Pre-algebra multiplication quiz game



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Quiz Game On Pre-algebra multiplication

Pre-algebra multiplication quiz game for 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th grade students.

It is important for students to review their understanding of pre-algebra multiplication through MCQ quizzes. However, we have not only provided a boring quiz but we have created one that adds some fun and excitement. It is built around a jungle theme with a boy playing around. Once you answer a question correctly, the boy smiles otherwise he will be sad.  The number of points to get correctly will be displayed at the end of the quiz. This quiz is interactive and free. Students can learn algebra 1 and 2 from the comfort of their homes or classrooms. Teacher and students can use this quiz to supplement their kid’s regular course. Have fun learning algebra.

Algebra Worksheets & Printables

These worksheets are printable PDF exercises of the highest quality. Writing reinforces Maths learnt. These worksheets contain pre-algebra & Algebra exercises suitable for preschool, kindergarten, first grade to eigth graders levels . The following algebra topics are covered among others:

Workes Examples & Algebra Formulae

This section contains worked examples of problems and vital algebra formulae that are needed through out the theme. It is very important to master using these formulae though some times presenting them in the most simplified manner is necessary for young learners. This section is a step-by-step presentation of how to use algebra formulae on all the topics covered in this site which include formulae on -linear equations, inequalities, decimals, fractions, exponents, graphing linear equations, binomial theorem, pythagoras theorem, quadratic equations, algebraic expressions, factorisation, ratios, geometry, intergers, order operations, angles, simple equations, slope, arithmetic progression, LCM & HCF, coefficients, quadratic equations, square roots & more-